Tuesday, December 14, 2010

On-Page SEO Tips for Better Search Engine Optimization

Top 5 On Page SEO Techniques That Will Get You Ranked on Google.
Okay, with all the hoopla around “how do build more backlinks to your site for better rankings”, people have more or less forgotten the importance of On Page Optimization in SEO. The thing is, unless and until you have good on-page SEO, the chances of you getting top ranks on Google are slim. In fact, one of my sites which has only 2 backlinks, is ranking in the Top 3 for a keyword phrase that has 349 million results! How? Good on-page SEO, that’s how!
So let’s get right into it. I hear you asking – what are the most important and essential On Page Search Engine Optimization Techniques that you ought to use if you want an edge over your competition right now?
On Page SEO Tip #1: Title Tag
Yes, no matter how much Internet Marketing “gurus” argue that the “title tag” has lost its relevance in Google, I’ve concluded from my testing that Title Tags still play a major role in getting good rankings. Always include your target keyword in your title tag. Don’t make it look like spam, some people include all their target keywords in their title tag. That is wrong, and looks bad. The title tag on every page must be unique. Remember, real users will see the title tag first when they search for your site or keyword on Google – so keep it readable!
On Page SEO Tip #2: Meta Description Tag
The most important Meta tag you need to really worry about is Meta Description. Google disregards the Meta Keywords tag completely since earlier, webmasters used to fill them with keywords that were completely irrelevant to their page, but had high traffic potential. Include your main keyword once or twice in the Meta Description tag.
On Page SEO Tip #3: Header Tags
Header Tags can help you tremendously in your SEO efforts. Header Tags are tags H1-H6 in order of importance – H1 being the most important. Header Tags simply tell Google that the text in that tag is important & the other content on that page is basically related to what is set in that tag. For SEO purposes, the maximum you need to go to is H3. Include only one H1 tag on your page with your main keyword. Include one or two H2-H3 tags each consisting of your secondary keywords for even better results.
On Page SEO Tip #4: SEO your Content
Content SEO simply involves telling the search engines that certain keywords in your content are more important that the other, so it looks favourably on them, thus getting you better rankings for those keywords. How do you do that? Simply bold & underline your target keywords present in the content. A word of warning, do not overdo it. You don’t need to bold & underline all target keywords present in the content, only a few. You can definitely bold & underline other important areas of content on your webpage that do not include your target keywords. It’s not a problem as long as your main keywords are bolded somewhere on the page.
On Page SEO Tip #5: Internal Linking
Inter-linking your pages internally is important. For a small site of around 15-20 pages, having every page to link to every other page on the website goes a long way in On Page SEO. To take it a step further, do internal linking by using proper Anchor Texts for those links. For example, if a page that’s being linked to is related to On Page SEO Tips, use the anchor text as “On Page SEO Tips”. For even better results, bold/underline that link text.
So here you are, 5 solid On Page SEO tips you can use right away to gain an edge over your competition. Now go rank!

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